King and Queen Trapper
King Trapper
2024 winner
Chris Perchulak
Queen Trapper
2024 winner
Kristen Burns
Only the heartiest of men enter the Annual King Trapper competition. Competitors compete over three days in the most gruelling outdoor events regardless of weather conditions. With more than 20 events to test their skill and dexterity, King Trapper competitors bring excitement to our festival competing in events such as the 9 mile snow shoe race, flour packing, trap setting, pole climbing and more.
Only the heartiest of women enter the Annual Queen Trapper competition. Competitors compete over two days in the most grueling outdoor events regardless of weather conditions. Competing in 14 events, Queen Trapper competitors test their skill and dexterity in the most grueling conditions. Moose and goose calling, the 3-mile snowshoe race, axe throw, portage race, trap setting, log throw, tea boiling and fish filleting are only a select few of the events the Queens compete in.
register online here or at our Event Headquarters by
Wednesday, February 12th for Kings and
February 13th for Queens
King Trapper director: Brea Anderson
Queen Trapper director: Jennifer Flett
Flour Packing Event
Fish Fillet competition
Tea Boiling
Click here for the Junior King & Queen Trapper Event